Saturday, March 10, 2012

30 B4 30

Last October, I turned 27. I know that those who are over 30 are probably thinking, that's still so young! Well, for those in the same boat as me...nearing doesn't feel so young. I look at other people my age, who have already done so much...and realize I'm falling behind! The biggest thing to me is that everyone that I know who is currently pregnant is younger than me...some younger by 5 years! But if you want to know my thoughts on when I want to start a family...that topic is for another post...a little too deep for this post!

So back to the point of this post...30 B4 30. When I turned 27, I realized I have 3 years until I'm 30. I decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the 30 B4 30 challenge. You take a look at your life and access where you are currently and where you want to be when you turn 30. Then you choose 30 things that you want to achieve before your 30th birthday. I kept my goals pretty realistic. There are really only a few that will be a big stretch to achieve. Most of them just require time, a few require money, and some just require mental motivation.

The week of my 27th birthday, I created this pinterest board to illustrate my goals, and then promptly forgot all about the 30 B4 30. Today I was organizing and cleaning out my pinterest boards (wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning!) and saw my 30 B4 30 board. I've lost 5 months already! I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that I actually have been working on some of those goals without even remembering that I set them! So without further are my goals and comments on the progress.

1. Make a travel map
2. Get lasik (obviously a dream goal...probably will be the hardest to achieve because of the money)
3. Have a yard sale at least once a year (I have already started organizing items for one this spring)
4. Read my fancy camera book (took it off the book shelf, now it's sitting on the kitchen table...still unread)
5. Try canning
6. Save $3600, that's $100 a month (Jake and I are both putting $100 a month in a joint savings)
7. Learn to do fancy makeup for events (I tried a youtube tutorial for the masquerade party and recieved lots of compliments!)
8. Run in a 5K
9. Perfect the meatball sandwich (I made them for Valentine's Day and Jake is already requesting them again!)
10. Visit the Pacific Northwest in fall.
11. Have professional photos taken with Jake
12. Donate blood (with my past experiences of donating blood, this might be hard to do)
13. Learn about the stars (I downloaded the google sky map app on my's basic, but it's a start!)
14. Prevent wrinkles (I bought a skin care system, I just need to work on doing it everyday)
15. Volunteer at least 4 times a year (once so far this year)
16. Do the 30 Day Shred for 30 full days
17. Start on a Master's Degree
18. Floss everyday
19. Design my own fabric
20. Become a sharp shooter (or at least comfortable with a gun in my hand)
21. Take a horseback ride
22. See the Cubs play at Wrigley Field with Jake
23. Learn the basics of football
24. Cut out soda (I can't remember the exact date, but over a month ago, I had it on my grocery list but just decided not to buy any, and haven't since!)
25. Get to my goal weight (only 10 lbs. less than my current weight)
26. Have a spa day
27. Send homemade birthday cards
28. Pay off my student loan (I'm still far from it, but I am paying well over the minimum due, so it's definite progress)
29. Piece a quilt
30. I'm leaving this one open to be filled when I think of an awesome one!

As you can see, most of the goals are pretty easy and not life altering. No pressure...I'm just doing this for fun anyway!

If you have a 30 B4 30 list, or 60 B4 60, or any similar list, please share it with me! I love to see other people's goals!