Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bronch #2

Cooper has been recovering from his hernia surgery perfectly! In fact, yesterday morning we had plans to get discharged today. We had trained on using the NG tube, lined up a feeding pump rental in Great Falls, and learned how to do a gravity feed through the tube for the ride home. We also set up appointments for the end of the month to come back for another bronchoscopy with ENT and a swallow study with OT/PT. Everything was done and we were ready.

Then yesterday afternoon, ENT decided they wanted to get a second look at Cooper's throat before he goes home. So they scheduled him for his second bronchoscopy this afternoon. When OT/PT found out we were staying a couple more days, they scheduled his swallow study for Friday. We're pretty bummed about staying longer, but hoping that this means we won't have to come back as soon for the follow ups. Maybe next month instead of this month. His bronchoscopy looked pretty good. The scarring is coming back but they did anticipate that and hopefully as he gets bigger the scar will be less significant. He is still breathing great!

Everyone tells us how great this hospital is, but honestly, I would give anything to be back at Benefis right now. I won't use this blog to vent my frustrations, but being at a large "learning" hospital makes me truly appreciate the consistency and empathy we got at Benefis.

Here's our cutie in recovery from his bronch.

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